The Cacao Collective and SOUL CENTRE presents
Cacao Temple MATAKANA
Can’t get to Bali - come to Bali Garden and experience a beautiful cacao ceremony with ceremony creatrix Wilhemeena Isabella Monroe. We tune into the NEW MOON at this potent time of year.
This ceremony will be OUTSIDE under the beautiful Balinese Bure structure- please bring warm blankets to keep yourself cosy. Spaces are strictly limited so please book well in advance.
Ceremony is about coming together with an intention and purpose - we gather to rest from the outside world and tune in with who and how we are. Cacao enhances our receptivity to the magic held within ourselves. She is a soft yet powerful plant-teacher, helping us open our hearts, which aids us to approach life through a lens of compassion and joy. The best way to know what cacao can offer you is to experience it yourself. She supports us wherever we are in life, however we are feeling, and is a safe experience for all.
A beautiful way to spend a balmy evening under the palms, as we sit in circle with this delicious plant medicine, in meditation with our breath and with each other. Because it's always better with chocolate!
Spaces are limited so please book in advance.