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Sisters of the Dreamtime - The way of the Priestess

Sisters of the Dreamtime – the way of the Priestess


Twelve women – twelve moons
I am opening the space for twelve women to join me in a full season cycle of majic, gatherings and manifesting the life of our dreams. Teaching you what I have learnt, how I hold space, diving into our deep dreams together.

What we want?

• To Gather - each month we gather - eleven gatherings - with one being a weekend retreat.

• Divine Embodiment – we will practice feminine embodiment practices, dancing, yoni egg, feminine tantra from taoist and yogic traditions

• Celebrate – we will celebrate each others successes and hold each other through our darkness

• Create – we will commit to creation – manifesting the life of our dreams and supporting the dreamings of our sisters.

• Learn – we will learn priestess practices that support our lives to be vibrant, alive and full of wisdom and grace.

• Majic – learning and practicing the ways of nature, the laws of the universe including plant medicine and star medicine and energy medicine.

• Activate the Wise one within - Learn how to hold medicine circle, women’s circles and hold your sisters in grace and wisdom.

Additionally you will get:

• A signed copy of my poetry book “Dancing with Angels”
• Discounts to my other programs including VISION QUEST, SOUL LIFE community online course, Moon Majic and retreats in 2020
• Two one-on-one sessions during the year –in person or by skype
• Opportunity to apprentice at gatherings and healings throughout 2020
• Zen mist and other priestess goodies….

Some of the things we will be doing:

Making medicine sticks from native plants
Working with plant medicine each month
Cacao ceremonys
Purification ceremonys
Moon ceremony (full and new moon)
Activating energy pathways in your body and seeding new energy matrix's
Dancing and moving the energy, using dance as a tool for healing and manifestation
PLUS so many more delicious things


25th Jan - 1 - 3pm (first new moon of 2020)

23 Feb (new moon), 20 March, 8 April (Full moon/supermoon), 23 May (new moon), 21 June (new moon eclipse), 21 July (new moon), 15 Aug (new moon), 18 Sept (new moon), 2 Oct Full moon, 28/29 Nov - women’s weekend, 12 Dec - final gathering


Priced at over $2000 – you get it for $1222 until Dec 1st – Christmas present to you for 2020

Make this year the year of the sacred.